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Chet's Look Out Page

Dreaming with Ray Dream, painting with Fractal Painter, drawing with Corel and Illustrator, and finishing up or creating with Photoshop, Chet Gottfried wonders why he's still stuck on Long Island.

Jeffrey's Dark Gallery

Jeffrey Goodsell loves graphics and the web. He does his stuff with trueSpace2, Photoshop(filter heaven), Premiere, Illustrator, HASH(yes that is a valid name for a program). 3D, 2D, Animation, and weird sound(for some browsers), all dedicated to enjoyment of the viewer. Oh, yeah... Jeff lives in Alabama, and has more than three teeth.

Flicker Light Studio

Tom Repasky is located in Portland, Oregon. He uses Caligari TrueSace, Autodesk Animator, Kai Power, Picture Publisher, Photoshop, Premier and others. He enjoys playing with 2d & 3d animations as well.

Jan Martin

Jan Martin of Aliso Viejo, California, prefers to use Adobe Photoshop, Fractal Design Painter and plugin filters from MetaTools, Xaos and Alien Skin.

Digital Damage

Ancient techniques and new technology are combined to create the art of Digital Damage by Robert Hirschi currently in Salt Lake City, Utah. Clay sculpture, plaster casts, models and landscapes are photographed and digitally manipulated.

Tru Realities

Meet Tru of Buffalo N.Y. Her favorite software includes PixelSight, Fractual Painter and Photoshop and an old DOS hold out, ImageFolio. She says "I'm no artist! I keep looking for the "Talent Plug-In"! I'm more like the frame to the picture. Or the Gallery to the artist. My forte lies more in presentation." You be the judge.

Garrett Roberts

Garrett Roberts of St. Louis, Mo., uses a combination of traditional photographic methods and digital manipulation (Adobe Photoshop, L-View, and PaintShopPro) to achieve some rather unusual and disturbing effects.


Al Dawson of Indianapolis, IN has been an oil painter for many years and now turns to his computer and Paint Shop Pro's airbrush and pushbrush to create his very realistic Digitoil images now on display at The Web's Edge....

Jeff Burton

Jeff Burton from Paducah, KY likes to create realistic 3D images using Povray, Photoshop with KPT, Alien Skin, and Gallery Effects filters, Paint Shop Pro, 3D Studio, and other utilities. Jeff has written several utilities for Povray for creating and converting triangle mesh files.

Sebastian Marquez

Sebastian Marquez shows you his paintings done with Fractal Design Painter and how he does them.. A spanish art teacher living in Stockholm, Sweden. His pixel paintings have been published in several computer magazines.

Ace of Space Backgrounds

Sharon Quinn of Chilliwack, B.C., Canada is a paramedic but her real enjoyment comes from creating background designs on her computer using Corel Photo-Paint 6, Kai Power Tools, Photo Finish and Paint Shop Pro. Have a look at her site, Ace of Space Backgrounds, and find some backgrounds that are real life-savers for your web pages...

Lewis Eaton's Professional-Image Backgrounds

Lewis Eaton, of Woodbury, CT., enjoys putting his graphics programs to the test by creating backgrounds and 3D images/text. His programs of choice include Corel PhotoPaint(with Kai's Power Tools & Gallery Effects), Crystal Graphics' - Flying Fonts Pro, GIF Construction Set, PaintShop Pro and Adobe Photoshop.

The Skull's Home Page

THe SKuLL!! (AKA Gary Brown) resides in Hawaii. He uses Micrgraphx Picture Publisher to create custom Horizontal Rules and other images for your Web pages.

PennDragon's Home

Trevor Sok aka Uther PennDragon started using the Very Basics "windows paintbrush" Now he uses MicroGrafx Picture Publisher and designs logo's and Graphics for other peoples pages. You may have seen my name tagging along behind THe SKuLL!!'s work.

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